Welcome To Wateva Kay Says!

"Christian is the name, But Please.... Call Me Kay A (Known As)... Its Wateva!!" Said the man of infinate change.. lol

I simply hope to gain perspective within this life i was blessed with & you know what THEY say; teaching is one of the best ways to remember something.

Harmony- Perspective- Love

To Gain as much perspective from the world around you as you're willin to share with it in return, is the unity between Harmony & Perspective... Those two (in my opinion) can only lead to a universal love for things you've gained perspective of..

...Such is the motto i live by anyway.

About Kay A

(Kay Says) "Only A GOD Can Live UnMistaken! Only Fools ASSume That Wisdom is Lacking Because Error Was Made!"___________ I'm an aries, simply looking to share my perspective._____Here Lie; Things I Know, Feel, See, Hear, Think, Believe, Precieve, and/or have questions about____ Allow me The Chance To Broaden Your Range Of Perspective With My Own & May My Reward Be That Favor Returned.___________(Kay Says) "If All Man Is OF The Same Source, Then Beware Of The Limitations You Projects upon others, they may be those you embrace for yourself."_____More specifically' I'm a Scholar aswell as a Jester (aka) A Musician (a.k.a) An artist (AKA) Middle Child (A.K.A) A Philosopher (A.Kay.A) A Lover & A Fighter (A.KAY.A) A Reader & A Writter...Aye Kay A... It's Wat Eva I Desire!! ;)


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Starting at 11: Thoughts & Ideas

Starting @ 11: 1-1

"Thoughts, Ideas, Feelings & Dreams all stem from the realm of energy that our consciousness inhabits... To forget or lose any of them would be to waste an extention of ourselves: Subtracting them from our development: Restricting them from our legacy"

This concept here brought me to develope a  series of my thoughts, and ideas for a philosophy journal. Over time I've collected phrases, concepts, thoeries, and quotes that i've either revised or rephrased (in most cases, the passages within were origionally inspired)

I've decided that in the process of proof-reading my work, I would share a bit with my bloggers.

This passage is intended to highlight my opinion on the importance of  keeping ones thoughts safe, holding onto the things thoughts that shape our thinking one way or another, not to mention the value of holding onto the thoughts that come from our own experience and train of thought.

I hope that are able to enjoy the passeges to come & are inspired to consider the magnitude and value of their own unique point of view & the thoughts that create them.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

"Life is about being happy_happiness comes from haromony_ Harmony is about direction_ the direction one should seek is the one that leads to happiness."

When we are happy, everything seems right. The world around you brightens up and the ppl seem sweeter.(or atleast you don't want to hit anybody)
  • This happiness comes from living Harmoniously

When we are in Harmony, it is a relationship between what you put into the world, and what you recieve from the world. (Think of a ying yang..one side pushes the other & as long as their in the right direction; the harder it pushes the easier it gets)...is your yingyang spinning forwards or backwards... mabey even not at all?
  • If you put your worry, doubt, and selfpity into the world, then i doubt you will ever be without worry... and for that I pity you. (Ta-Dah) see how that works?
  • If you put your passion, happiness and, effort into the world, then maybe your passionate efforts will lead to happiness.
 (play with that excercise : identify what you put out there for the world and make a sentence with them, and you'll see that one way or another you get back what you give the world)

To put this idea into action you must first seek happiness, what is happiness to you?  (This doesn't mean list things you want) Think bigg and simple, things you can do.. I want to see the world!.. I want to Be A "?".. I wanna to start a healthy and happy family.. ect

Once a desire is found, begin to move in that direction.. Emotion becomes Thought becomes Words become Actions become Habits that Define Character.
  • Your job is to make a pursuit of happiness a part of you character!!

Think of what makes you happy as often as possible, those thoughts will cause you to speak of your happiness, those words will cause you to act on your happiness, those actions will develope a habit of being happy, making you a Happier Person..

*Please Read*- "Hurdles To Happiness"
(Hurdles to Happiness explains the trials that may arise and cause us to loose sight of our happiness)

2012 is the year of "Live right or Die Trying"

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kay Says "Time Is Money"

'Words Of Wisdom'
"He who laughs last, is probably just slow"

Kay Says...
"If Time Is Money, Then Treat It That Way"

Now I'm sure we have all heard the phrase "time is money".
IMO (in-my-opinion)"Time is Money" means that your time is valuable on its own.
The common  translation of "Time is Money" tends to hover around the idea of employment & how much your time is worth in dollars so I'd like to offer my perspective on Time & Money corelations.

When a snotty nosed child, picks a wedgie, rings your door-bell and puts his grubby little hands out, you don't shoo him away..... You pay him Money for his Time Spent mowing your lawn lol.

Money is basically our exchange for our Time as far as work goes.
The only time Money isn't paying for your Time, is usually when it's Your Time.
When it is Your Time, it's refered to as "Time Spent" right?
Kay Says "To sub-consciously experience a moment is Time spent. To consciously experience a moment is to buy the experience of that moment with your time. Therefore a meaningless experience is a waste of Time"
So lets talk about Time Spent...........

Time Spent

IMOThe way we handle our time, directly effects the time we have, & since time is unforgiving I suggest it be handled with care. Have some consideration how it's being managed or spent.

We've all been late before, and missed breakfast... YOU WILL NEVER HAVE THAT BREAKFAST........EVER!!!
It came & went, now it's gone...go cry about it, or shut up your face and wait for lunch lol.

Ask yourself  "Where Did I Spend That Time?" & with some consideration to management, little things can be avoided.
  1. I took a long #2 and read the paper (avoidable)
  2. I got that phone call while was brushing my teeth (avoidable)
  3. I hit that snooze button a few times (avoidable, some times)

Money Spent

Kay Says Money Was Created For The Sake Of Buying Time.
If you spend money on anything that you are physically able to make with the tools and the know how, you are essentially paying for the Time it took to make.

We don't all have Money, but we do have Time, so we sll have Money on credit.
Everything we buy takes Time to create, prepare, show, make, perform ect.
So with that being said, Treat your Time Like Money...

I WOULD NOT leave $20 on my couch to be lost forever in the cracks!
I WOULD NOT chew $10 into a spit wad and plug up my alarm clock speakers (mainly because money is dirty lol)
I WOULD NOT waste a moment watching $100s floating by in the wind, i'd be out of my seat ASAP!
Even if it takes 20mins to catch.. lol thats more than i make in an Hour so thats Time Well Spent!

See what I'm getting at here?
(The point I hope you made is that we respond instinctively to the value of money)
(the correlation i hope to make, is that Money is Time)

Money Management

(Here I would like to offer a link to anyone who wishes to manage their Money)

...........Can You Apply Any Of These Tips To Ways To Save Time?

Time Management
(Here I would like to offer a link to anyone who wishes to manage their Time)

Do You See Similarities In Between These Tips & Those For Money Management?

The World You Live In
No Matter What Life-Style You Lead Financially, The Importances Of Time Management Still Apply!
My immediate intention is not to become rich by buying a calendar; that's not to say that Time Mangaement isn't a step in that direction either.I don't mean to imply anything about the quality of each individuals spending habits. I simply think we should consider the habits for ourselves....


Kay Says life can be so much easier once you learn to navigate time. Navigate is a more suitable term since time doesnt change or alter; We simply do different things in it.

Kays Tips To Begin Time managment coming soon.....()